72 Influence of applying different units of measurement on reporting antimicrobial consumption data for pig farms (Research paper; Taverne, 2015)

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Significant Impact Group(s): AMU reduction strategies \ Monitoring and surveillance \ Antibiotic use
Species targeted: Pigs;
Age: Young; Adult;
Outcome Parameter(s): Antimicrobial consumption
Summary: International comparison is necessary to establish regulations on veterinary antimicrobial use and reducing antimicrobial resistance. Our study revealed interesting differences in outcomes on antimicrobial consumption in pigs following the use of different animal defined daily dosages. Differences in outcomes in an animal species can be attributed to the applied animal defined daily dosage due to differences in authorized indications and dosages, but can also be a result of differences in prescription patterns between farm types at the level of therapeutic groups or even specific antimicrobials within those groups, next to the differences in animal (sub) categories and standardized animal weights. This study underlines the urgent need for international harmonized units of measurement applicable in monitoring systems for antimicrobial use in livestock, such as generic animal defined daily dosages. But also harmonized animal (sub) categories and standardized animal weights for all animal species included in monitoring programs should be established.
72 Research paper – Taverne – 2015 – Influence of applying different units of measurement on reporting antimicrobial consumption data for pig farms
Where to find the original material:
https://bmcvetres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12917-015-0566-7; https://doi.org/10.1186/s12917-015-0566-7
Country: NL

72 Research paper – Taverne – 2015 – Influence of applying different units of measurement on reporting antimicrobial consumption data for pig farms