State of the Art Report



The DISARM Network developed a baseline assessment of state-of-the-art strategies and technologies to reduce antimicrobial use (AMU) and improve animal health on farms, including strategies developed by farmers, industry and researchers.

A library of open access information sources has been developed, which can be used by farmers and their advisors to access information on strategies to reduce AMU and subsequently antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Best practices and innovations have been selected because they reduce the potential development of AMR.

This synopsis report presents the strategies delivered by the consortium partners in the DISARM thematic network. It establishes the baseline State-of-the-Art for AMU and AMR in livestock farming with innovative strategies from farmers and industry as well as the baseline information from research projects at the global, EU and national level on how to reduce AMR in livestock production. The report summarises the separate entries in the database and is mainly meant to explain the structure of the database and create interest in the reader to explore the resources further.

Download the State of the Art Report

Best Practice Guides

Check out our 10 Best Practice Guides based on our collection of knowledge from farmers, advisors, research and industry!

  1. Internal Biosecurity
  2. External Biosecurity
  3. Optimal Housing
  4. Precision Livestock Technologies
  5. Potential of Breeding and Genetics for Robust and Resilient animals
  6. Water Quality
  7. Youngstock Management and Early Rearing
  8. Vaccination Protocols
  9. Adapted feeding, watering and additives for animal health
  10. Prudent use of Antibiotics

Multi-Actor Farm Health Plans

We are looking for case-study farms who would like to improve their multi-actor farm teams to develop effective, tailored farm health plans. This will involve a DISARM facilitator visiting the farm and helping the farmer, their farm veterinarian and other farm advisors e.g. nutritionist to work together to develop and implement an animal health action plan.

We will be focusing on:

  • Pig farms in the Netherlands and Spain
  • Poultry farms in Belgium and Latvia
  • Dairy farms in UK and Romania
  • Sheep grazing farms in Greece and France

To promote knowledge sharing across borders, we would like these case-study farms to participate in two exchange visits: one visiting farms in the partnering country, and one hosting farmers from the partnering country. We would also like for you to host or attend an event or workshop in your own country to share your experiences of the multi-actor approach.

If you are interested in any aspect of this project, please get in touch!

Knowledge Database

We are gathering information about state-of-the-art research, farm and industry innovations which can improve animal health in livestock farming and reduce the risk of antibacterial resistance.

Check out our initial database to learn more. If you know of any new and exciting ideas which we should add to the list, please let us know, we’d love to hear from you!

Multi-Actor Community

We would like to welcome you to join the DISARM discussion group hosted on Facebook. This is a space to share research, events and discuss practical solutions to antibiotic resistance in livestock farming across countries and sectors.

If you wish to join, we first ask that you complete this form to give informed consent. Then find DISARM Community of Practice on Facebook – when the admins confirm that you have completed the consent form, you will be granted access to the group.