398 -Technological tools for infection detection Case studies with the SOMO respiratory distress monitor in Belgian pig farms (Research paper – Cui – 2019)

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398 Research paper – Cui – 2019 -Technological tools for infection detection Case studies with the SOMO respiratory distress monitor in Belgian pig farms

In Significant Impact Groups: Precision Livestock Farming & Early detection \ Sensor technology
Species targeted: Pigs;
Age: Not stated;
In a demonstration project in Flanders (Belgium), the SOMO Respiratory Distress Monitor of SoundTalks, was installed in 10 commercial fattening pig houses showing an automatic alarm when respiratory problems occurred. The warnings of the SOMO-system were analysed against the observations of the farmer. In most cases (74%) the alert situation was confirmed by the farmers inspection, and in 17% of the cases farmers started a medical treatment based on the alerts. At the time of the alert the number of sick animals was still low and the behaviour (activity, feed intake) of the animals still normal in most cases (86%). It was confirmed by the farmers that the use of the SOMO system helped to reduce the amount of medication, because treatments were done in an early stage of infection.

Where to find the original material: http://www.eaplf.eu/wp-content/uploads/ECPLF_19_book.pdf; ISBN 978-1-84170-654-2
Country: BE