17 Indic@Vet by Ceva/Sanders


Significant Impact Group(s): AMU reduction strategies \ Monitoring and surveillance \ Antibiotic use

Species targeted: Rabbit; Pigs; Poultry;
Summary: Sanders and Ceva joined forces to launch Indic@Vet:
Indic @ Vet is an innovative and unique tool for monitoring the consumption of antibiotics in rabbit, meat poultry and egg and pig farming, developed by the company DBM for SANDERS in partnership with the French veterinary laboratory Ceva.
Indic @ Vet makes it possible to objectify, measure and enhance the actions put in place to reduce the use of antibiotics, to compare changes by production, sector or breeder, and with French or European benchmarks. It collects and correlates production data on the one hand, and data on prescriptions from volunteer veterinarians or breeders on the other. Based on drug consumption data and official calculation methods, a follow-up calculation of antibiotic consumption is carried out in order to view the official French and European indicators (mg / kg, ALEA, DDDvet, DCDvet) for each quarter or each batch of animals.
17 Tools & Checklists – Indic at Vet by Ceva Sanders
Where to find the original material: (in French;)
Country: France;

17 ToolsChecklists – Indic at Vet by Ceva Sanders