516 AMBIDEM by ITAVI (Tools & Checklists)



516 Tools & Checklists – AMBIDEM by ITAVI

516 Tools & Checklists
In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare
Species targeted: Poultry;
4 pages leaflet in French about poultry house atmosphere parameters recommended for ducks ready to be fattened. The leaflet contains the main recommendations on the values to be respected concerning the parameters of temperature, humidity and air renewal.
516 Tools & Checklists – AMBIDEM by ITAVI

Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/ambiance-des-batiments-demarrage-de-pret-gaver;

Country: France;

502 Training for trainers about antibiotic managment in poultry farm by ITAVI (Tools & Checklists)



502 Tools & Checklists – Training for trainers about antibiotic managment in poultry farm by ITAVI

502 Tools & Checklists
Training for trainers about antibiotic management in poultry farm by ITAVI
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Poultry;
This is a training manual for trainers that will teach farmers why and how they should reduce the use of antibiotics in their poultry farm.
Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/livret-pedagogique-pour-formateur;
Country: France;

500 Prudent and efficient use of antimicrobials in pigs and poultry a practical manual by FAO (Tools & Checklists)



500 Tools & Checklists – Prudent and efficient use of antimicrobials in pigs and poultry a practical manual by FAO

500 Tools & Checklists
Prudent and efficient use of antimicrobials in pigs and poultry: a practical manual by FAO
In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry;
This manual is intended to assist in using antibiotics in a prudent and medically efficient way without loss in productivity. The prudent and medically effective use of antibiotics comprises several elements: a) Phasing out use of antibiotics as growth promoters and avoiding regular preventive use of antibiotics; b) Avoiding use of the Highest Priority Critically Important Antimicrobials (CIAs) for human medicine in animals and adhering to the OIE List of Antimicrobials of Veterinary Importance; c) Only using antibiotics based on a diagnosis of disease by a veterinarian or other animal health professional and only for authorized indications; d) Striving for individual treatment of animals with the correct dose and duration and avoiding using antibiotics for group treatments except for poultry flocks, especially via feed. e) Using only quality-assured pharmaceuticals and always consulting an animal health professional before use; f) Disposing of unused and expired antibiotics in a proper way.
Where to find the original material: http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/ca6729en;
Country: Italy;

491 Milking, a key step in controlling mastitis by CNIEL & IDELE (Tools & Checklists)



491 Tools & Checklists – Milking, a key step in controlling mastitis by CNIEL & IDELE

491 Tools & Checklists
Milking, a key step in controlling mastitis
In Significant Impact Groups: Biosecurity; Managing sick animals
Species targeted: Dairy;
Where to find the original material:
Country: France;
Milking control is essential to limit clinical mastitis and cells in the milk. The respect of good hygiene practices and milking is essential to prevent teat bacteria from entering the udder quarters and leading to infections.
491 Tools & Checklists – Milking, a key step in controlling mastitis by CNIEL & IDELE

475 – Intervention guide for the control of lameness in dairy herds by Idele and ONIRIS (Tools & Checklists)



475 Tools & Checklists – Intervention guide for the control of lameness in dairy herds by Idele and ONIRIS

475 Tools & Checklists
Intervention guide for the control of lameness in dairy herds by Idele and ONIRIS
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Dairy;
Locomotor problems in dairy cows have been on the increase in recent years. This is due to changes in housing systems, feeding systems, workload of farmers and finally herd groupings which favour the spread of Mortellaro disease. A method of intervention in farms with lameness problems has been developed by pooling the expertise of different livestock advisors and vets. This method is described in the document: “Intervention method for the control of lameness in dairy herds”. It specifies the different parts of the intervention in 3 booklets : a: general presentation of the method and the stages of the intervention b: presentation of methods for investigating risk factors related to housing, food and sanitary conduct c: collection of sample support documents for operational intervention. The main originality of this intervention document in a dairy cow farm facing lameness is that it gathers all the intervention methodology from the preparation to the monitoring of the situation.
Where to find the original material: http://idele.fr/no_cache/recherche/publication/idelesolr/recommends/guide-boiteries-2eme-version.html;
Country: France

474 – Rearing healthy calves by Dairy Australia (Tools & Checklists)



474 Tools & Checklists – Rearing healthy calves by Dairy Australia

474 Tools & Checklists
Rearing healthy calves by Dairy Australia
In Significant Impact Groups: Young stock Management and early rearing
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Young stock
The way we care for all calves on dairy farms can have major and long lasting effects: not just at the farm level, but throughout the industry, where issues such as animal welfare, animal diseases and food safety can have significant consequences. Rearing Healthy Calves provides a practical guide to all aspects of calf management on Australian dairy farms. It includes contributions from a wide range of experts including farmers, animal scientists and veterinarians to identify best practices in calf rearing to ensure their health and well-being. Dairy farmers make decisions every day that can affect the health and welfare of their calves. This manual combines clear and concise explanations with practical examples to help you see a range of approaches in action.

Where to find the original material: https://www.dairyaustralia.com.au/resource-repository/2020/07/09/rearing-healthy-calves-manual–second-edition
Country: Australia;

468 Calculadora consumo de antibioticos en porcino by INTERPORC (Tools & Checklists)



468 Tools & Checklists – Calculadora consumo de antibioticos en porcino by INTERPORC

468 Tools & Checklists
Calculadora consumo de antibioticos en porcino by INTERPORC
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs;
www.conocetuconsumo.es is a public and anonymous website to calculate the antibiotic consumption of a pig farm in mg/PCU and to be able to compare the consumption with other similar farms.
Where to find the original material: http://www.conocetuconsumo.es/inicio.asp;
Country: Spain;

467 Guia uso responsable de antibioticos en bovino by VETresponsable (Tools & Checklists)



467 Tools & Checklists – Guia uso responsable de antibioticos en bovino by VETresponsable

467 Tools & Checklists
Guia uso responsable de antibioticos en bovino by VETresponsable
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Beef;
This guide is intended to cover issues related to veterinary medicines and their regulations; prior elements of responsible use such as preventive and biosafety measures, guidelines on veterinary diagnosis or prescription; design, monitoring and evaluation of treatment; the type of veterinary medicine used; storage and preservation of medicines; good administration practices or recommendations on treatment registration and disposal of medicine packaging and waste. These guides are intended as a reference tool for veterinary professionals, particularly younger ones, to ensure that veterinary medicines are used responsibly in their daily practice.
Where to find the original material: https://www.vetresponsable.es/v_portal/inc/clicklink.asp?t=3&cod=5865&c=1&s=393057070;
Country: Spain;

466 Guia uso responsable de antibióticos en avicultura by VETresponsable (Tools & Checklists)



466 Tools & Checklists – Guia uso responsable de antibióticos en avicultura by VETresponsable

466 Tools & Checklists
Guia uso responsable de antibióticos en avicultura by VETresponsable
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Poultry;
This guide is intended to cover issues related to veterinary medicines and their regulations; prior elements of responsible use such as preventive and biosafety measures, guidelines on veterinary diagnosis or prescription; design, monitoring and evaluation of treatment; the type of veterinary medicine used; storage and preservation of medicines; good administration practices or recommendations on treatment registration and disposal of medicine packaging and waste. These guides are intended as a reference tool for veterinary professionals, particularly younger ones, to ensure that veterinary medicines are used responsibly in their daily practice.
Where to find the original material: https://www.vetresponsable.es/v_portal/inc/clicklink.asp?t=3&cod=5857&c=1&s=393057070;
Country: Spain;

465 Guia uso responsable de antibioticos en porcino by VETresponsable (Tools & Checklists)



465 Tools & Checklists – Guia uso responsable de antibioticos en porcino by VETresponsable

465 Tools & Checklists
Guia uso responsable de antibioticos en porcino by VETresponsable
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs;
This guide is intended to cover issues related to veterinary medicines and their regulations; prior elements of responsible use such as preventive and biosafety measures, guidelines on veterinary diagnosis or prescription; design, monitoring and evaluation of treatment; the type of veterinary medicine used; storage and preservation of medicines; good administration practices or recommendations on treatment registration and disposal of medicine packaging and waste. These guides are intended as a reference tool for veterinary professionals, particularly younger ones, to ensure that veterinary medicines are used responsibly in their daily practice.
Where to find the original material: https://www.vetresponsable.es/v_portal/inc/clicklink.asp?t=3&cod=5861&c=1&s=393057070;
Country: Spain;