516 AMBIDEM by ITAVI (Tools & Checklists)



516 Tools & Checklists – AMBIDEM by ITAVI

516 Tools & Checklists
In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare
Species targeted: Poultry;
4 pages leaflet in French about poultry house atmosphere parameters recommended for ducks ready to be fattened. The leaflet contains the main recommendations on the values to be respected concerning the parameters of temperature, humidity and air renewal.
516 Tools & Checklists – AMBIDEM by ITAVI

Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/ambiance-des-batiments-demarrage-de-pret-gaver;

Country: France;

Best Practice Guide: Optimal Housing

Check out this collection of practical information about animal housing!










261 – Measuring carbon dioxide concentrations in broiler buildings (Research paper – Creach – 2018)



261 Research paper – Creach – 2018 – Measuring carbon dioxide concentrations in broiler buildings

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare \ Climate
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
The ministerial decree of 28 June 2010 establishing the standards for the protection of broilers, sets a limit of 3 000 ppm of carbon dioxide (CO2) not to be exceeded at animal’s height and over the entire duration of the lot. Since then, CO2 concentration sensors are developing in poultry buildings and this gas, combined with other parameters (relative humidity rate in particular) is a good indicator of the level of containment of the breeding room. Different CO2 concentration sensors of the same technology (non-dispersive infrared or IRND) have been tested in commercial barns. The results show that two of the five tested sensors are not suitable for continuous use in poultry buildings. In addition, the spatial variability of CO2 concentrations was evaluate in a first phase under experimental conditions and in a second phase in commercial broiler barns.

Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/mesurage-des-concentrations-en-dioxyde-de-carbone-en-batiment-poulets-de-chair;
Country: FR

260 – Measuring carbon dioxide concentrations in broiler houses (Research paper – Creach – 2017)



260 Research paper – Creach – 2017 – Measuring carbon dioxide concentrations in broiler houses

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare \ Climate
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
The EU sets a limit of 3000 ppm of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration not to be exceeded for broilers, over the entire duration of the flock. Since then, CO2 concentration sensors are developing in French poultry buildings. The purpose of this article is to provide methodological advices for continuous measurement of CO2 concentrations in a broiler house, by looking at CO2 commercial sensors. Despite being the best compromise to measure CO2 concentration at animal’s level according to at the end of the flock at 80 cm +/- 20 cm of height, this can underestimate CO2 concentrations in case of high CO2 productions by animals and litter. These results suggest using more than one CO2 sensors for continuous measurements in poultry barns. According to the sensors’ tests, first level investment should be in high-performance sensor and in its maintenance than purchasing an additional sensor.

Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/mesurage-des-concentrations-en-dioxyde-de-carbone-en-batiment-poulets-de-chair#:~:text=L’arr%C3%AAt%C3%A9%20minist%C3%A9riel%20du%2028,toute%20la%20dur%C3%A9e%20du%20lot.;
Country: FR

259 – Modeling heat and Carbon Dioxide production of a broiler house at hourly time step (Research paper – Wejden – 2019)



259 Research paper – Wejden – 2019 – Modeling heat and Carbon Dioxide production of a broiler house at hourly time step

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare \ Climate
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
Models of heat production of broilers are used to design the thermal equipment to optimize climate control. The reference models are now around fifteen years old. Daily values of heat productions are deduced from the live weight of broilers and do not integrate the diversity of livestock systems and the genetic progress’s evolution. Animal welfare and environmental issues now require simulations at an hourly time step or even shorter. Our objective is to propose an hourly model of heat, carbon dioxide and water vapor productions incorporating the zoo technical parameters specific of a commercial batch of broilers. To update the reference equations, experiments were performed so that models replicated conditions similar to commercial farming. We propose a new model design for heat production. The perspectives are to apply this modeling to climate control and thermal design of broiler houses.

Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/modelisation-horaire-des-productions-de-chaleur-et-de-dioxyde-de-carbone-en-elevage-de;
Country: FR

13 Predict and Prevent by Prognostixs (Farm Innovation)



13 Farm Innovation
Predict and Prevent by Prognostixs
Significant Impact Group(s): Housing and welfare \ Climate; Precision Livestock Farming & Early detection
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Young; Adult;
Summary: Predict and prevent by Prognostixs:
The data captured from all the sensors is clearly visualised through our PrognostiX software application and can be integrated into other existing software platforms.
Tracking and analysing performance is a key aim with the Predict & Prevent Platform. The solution measures and compares key environmental and health indicators captured by the sensors or manually input via a mobile tablet device to improve efficiency and allow for rapid and informed on farm management decisions.
Key features, among others, are:

• Quick access for multiple herds across hundreds of farms across the UK via a single dashboard anywhere in the world (customizable to exact requirements)
• Software instantly transforms data inputs into clear, visual representations that enable users to monitor performance over time and quickly identify trends or discrepancies
• In-built alert system allows user to easily identify where data readings fall outside thresholds i.e. where performance is off target
13 Farm Innovation – Predict and Prevent by Prognostixs
Where to find the original material: (in English)
Country: UK

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Predict and Prevent using this platform for better result in poultry.

12 Soil bacteria by Pruex (Farm innovation)



Species targeted: Dairy; Age: Adult;

Summary: Pruex – additives ‘animal house stabaliser’ and ‘Water cleaner’
Ensuring that animals get clean water that’s not dominated by infection causing bacteria is essential in the fight against disease and majorly influences the need to treat sick animals with antibiotics.
Disease instances such as mastitis, foul of the foot, calf scour and pneumonia have all reduced significantly on this Scottish dairy unit since they have applied Pruex protocols with the aim of ensuring; dry bedding, clean air, feet and water.

David Finlay discusses what they have observed since they have worked with Pruex with the objective of reducing the environmental challenge their animals face from disease causing agents.

Where to find the original material: (in English)

Country: UK

Sheep wellbeing – a holistic approach to management

The wellbeing of livestock requires a holistic approach to management.  One UK Superfine Merino wool grower demonstrates excellent sheep husbandry that goes above and beyond minimum standards.  

Firstly, biosecurity – keeping a closed flock, breeding all replacements on farm and strict biosecurity measures for any farm visitor (i.e., vets/shearers/hauliers)The flock are certified Scrapiefree and Maedi Visna accredited, which demands a better price for the wool but this poses challenges finding breeding animals of equal status.  

The sheep are housed in any wet weather limiting damage to the fleecewhich is the farm’s main product. The sheds are large, airywith plenty of bedding and space in the pens, and even toys for the sheep to interact and play with when housed. The opportunity to play and space to socialise with (or avoid) certain flock members are important aspects to sheep wellbeing 

The flock is of high genetic merit and the farmer uses embryo transfer (ET) to maximise the genetic potential and performance of her sheep. They cope well with the steep land and have little issue with their feet – there is not even any detectable footrot on farm. This is attributed to not buying in stock and not trimming feet or footbathingTo ensure their wellbeing, natural mating still occurs alongside artificial mating, which recognises the need for rams to mate. 

To facilitate correct dosing when using anthelminticsthe farmer makes use of a weigh crush that is built into a race and handling system. Here she can automatically identify individuals by electronic ear tags, record weights and administer medicines. The handling system reduces stress for workers and sheep. Handling the flock calmly, quietly and with compassion are key elements to good stockperson-ship.  

Mastitis reduction in an indoor-housed herd (use of sand beds)

Mastitis is one of the leading causes of antibiotic use on UK dairy farms. A high yielding herd housed all-year-round has reduced their mastitis rate to 13% through a series of measures, as seen in this video.

These include installing an Automatic Dipping and Flushing (ADF) system for the teat clusters, swapping from straw bedding in cubicles to sand and changing their pre-dipping routine to using an iodine-based dip and paper towels. 

This has resulted in a drop in environmental mastitis caused by E. coli and Strep. uberis. These types of bugs thrive in dirty bedding, which is now less of a problem for this farm since they made the change to sandBugs in the environment can cause mastitis when pre-dipping routines are poor, so attention to effective cleaning of teats before milking is key. The ADF system ensures the spread of bugs through the milking equipment is also minimized 

Not only has a lower mastitis rate meant reduced antibiotic treatments, which has also saved the farm money, but the farmers have also eliminated the use of Critically Important Antibiotics (CIA). The CIA were often used for mastitis cases and now the farmers find there is less need for them. The farmers also found taking part in a farmer-led research project with the University of Bristol and being benchmarked against other farms in their producer pool very helpful in learning which products were CIA and focusing on specific changes to help prevent disease.  

Preventing and treating respiratory disease in calves

Respiratory disease is a common problem in calves and is usually associated with housing and the calves’ ability to fight diseaseBasic preventive principles are that calves should be kept clean, drywarm and receive plenty of good quality colostrum straight away. 

Calf housing must have appropriate drainage – 1 in 20 slope to drain urine away from beds. It should be protocol to remove wet, soiled bedding and replace with fresh, dry bedding. Reducing stocking density can also reduce dirt build up and disease pressure. 

Air quality and adequate ventilation is key to prevent respiratory disease. Calf accommodation should have a low level of air movement (0.2 m/s) so calves do not get cold but enough to replace stale, contaminated air within the shed with fresh air from outside. Adding spaced cladding to walls to provide greater airflow is one solution, or mechanical ventilation is another option, as seen in this video Designing buildings to improve calf health  

This farmer was very pleased with the positive-pressure ventilation tube installed in her purpose-built calf shed, which removed stale air, helped reduce levels of pneumonia, subsequent treatments and mortality. 

Newborn calves will feel cold below 10°C. It is important to provide calves with enough bedding to be able to nest in and it is worth considering calf jackets as seen here Optimising calf health – Managing respiratory disease . 

If calves receive enough colostrum at birth, many are able to fight off mild viral infections themselves. Some might develop a fever and go off their feed; in these cases, it is recommended treating with anti-inflammatories so calves continue feeding. If cases worsen or do not respond within 24-48hrs, a discussion with your vet about antibiotic treatment may be necessary.