522 ‘New Frontiers in Animal Care’ by Health for Animals (Industry Innovation)



522 Industry Innovation – NEW FRONTIER

522 Industry Innovation
New Animal Care by Health For Animals
In Significant Impact Groups: Other \
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry; Dairy; Beef; Sheep;
Age: Young; Adult;
Scientific advances and emerging technologies, from artificial intelligence to stem cell therapy and new generations of vaccines, have provided greater opportunities to predict, prevent, diagnose and treat animal illness more quickly, accurately and safely. Veterinary researchers and developers continue to break new ground in reducing disease spread and its impact.
The report ‘New Frontiers in Animal Care’ by Health for Animals outlines these innovations across several areas:
New Vaccines ; Alternatives to Antibiotics ; Digital Technologies ; Diagnostics ; Parasite Control ; Nutrition ; Safe Development
Download ‘New Frontiers in Animal Care’ to understand these innovations, their benefits to society and potential barriers to market.
522 Industry Innovation – NEW FRONTIERS IN ANIMAL CARE The Innovations Shaping the Future by Health For Animals

Country: not applicable

515 PULSE by ITAVI (Farm Innovation)



515 Farm Innovation – PULSE by ITAVI

515 Farm Innovation
In Significant Impact Groups: Biosecurity
Species targeted: Poultry;
Summary: Audit tool based on Excel, in French, to assess the biosecurity status of free-range broiler farms in 30 mn. Update from the previous version. You can download on the website two other versions of the tool : 1 for rearing duck farms and 1 for fattening ducks farms.
515 Farm Innovation – PULSE by ITAVI

Country: FR

514 PULSE by ITAVI (Farm Innovation)



514 Farm Innovation – PULSE by ITAVI

514 Farm Innovation
In Significant Impact Groups: Biosecurity
Species targeted: Poultry;
Summary: Audit tool based on Excel, in French, to asses Biosecurity level of fattening ducks farms in 30 mn.Upated from previous version. You can dowload on the website 2 other versions of the tool : 1 for rearing ducks farms and 1 for free-range broiler farms.
514 Farm Innovation – PULSE by ITAVI

Country: FR

512 PULSE by ITAVI (Farm Innovation)



512 Farm Innovation – PULSE by ITAVI

512 Farm Innovation
In Significant Impact Groups: Biosecurity
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
Audit tool based on Excel, in French, to assess biosecurity in duck farms (rearing farm) in 30 mn. Update of previous version. You can find on the website also 2 other versions : 1 for free-range broilers farms and 1 for fattening duck farms.
Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/jevalue-la-biosecurite-sur-mon-exploitation-en-elevage-de-palmipedes-elevage;
Country: FR


509 AQUAPROTECT by ITAVI (Farm Innovation)



509 Farm Innovation – AQUAPROTECT by ITAVI

509 Farm Innovation
In Significant Impact Groups: Water \ Water quality
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
AQUAPROTECT in an audit Excel Tool in French, for poultry advisors. It allows to check in 30 minutes the main important points about water distribution system in broilers farms and to draw recommendations for the poultry farmer to improve water management in his farm.
Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/outil-devaluation-du-respect-des-fondamentaux-dune-bonne-gestion-de-leau-en-elevage-de;
Country: FR

506 Ref²Avi by ITAVI (Farm Innovation)



506 Farm Innovation – Ref²Avi by ITAVI

506 Farm Innovation
Ref²Avi by ITAVI
In Significant Impact Groups: AMU reduction strategies \ Monitoring and surveillance ;Antibiotic use
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Different for different species;
The RefA²vi network is a French national network whose objective is to produce regular references on antibiotic exposure indicators calculated on the basis of a common method and measured for each poultry species, in particular turkeys and broilers. This approach is complementary to the ALEA published each year by Anses-ANMV. The methods used to calculate the RefA²vi indicators are based on the ALEA method and can be adapted for each species.
Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/reseau-professionnel-de-references-sur-les-usages-dantibiotiques-en-elevage-avicole;
Country: FR

505: 5 factsheets about prudent use of antibiotics in poultry by ITAVI (Farm Innovation)



505 Farm Innovation – 5 factsheets about prudent use of antibiotics in poultry by ITAVI

505 Farm Innovation
5 factsheets about prudent use of antibiotics in poultry by ITAVI
In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB \ Farmer
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
5 factsheets about prudent use of antibiotics for farmers
505 Farm Innovation – 5 factsheets about prudent use of antibiotics in poultry by ITAVI

Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/5-plaquettes-rassemblees-sous-forme-de-livret-pour-sensibiliser-les-equipes-techniques-et;
Country: FR

504 Quality water factsheet by ITAVI (Farm Innovation)



504 Farm Innovation – Quality water factsheet by ITAVI

504 Farm Innovation
Quality water factsheet by ITAVI
In Significant Impact Groups: Water \ Water quality
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Young;
2p Fact sheet in French to underline the importance to check water quality to improve chick starting.
Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/leau-de-boisson-des-volailles;
Country: FR

501 No zinc and no antibiotics in pig management by Petr McKenzie (Industry Innovation)



501 Industry Innovation – No zinc and no antibiotics in pig management by Petr McKenzie

501 Industry Innovation
No zinc and no antibiotics in pig management by Petr McKenzie
In Significant Impact Groups: Feed / gut health \ Feed additives and supplements
Species targeted: Pigs;
Age: Young;
In this paper McKenzie shares his journey with the impact of E.coli on pig management – eventually without antibiotic and zinc oxide use. After years of veterinary practice, he came to the following regime that results in more good live pigs and heavier pigs at 4 weeks post weaning with minimal or zero injectable antibiotic and no need for zinc oxide: – Attention to detail- All-in-all-out and hygiene- Quality weaner diet consisting ofo Less than 18.5% protein;o European programme of coated butyric, formic and citric acid and Baccilus PB6 o Korean programme of Algal immune stimulant. The programme is usually cheaper than Zinc plus some antibiotics. Some farmers have been on the programme for over a year with success. Remove ZnO gently – if management is not as good as expected, and you have a very pathogenic E. coli, then E.coli may triumph over lack of ZnO.
501 Industry Innovation – No zinc and no antibiotics in pig management by Petr McKenzie
;Where to find the original material: NA
Country: AU (Australia)

429 DRYSIST by OPP Group & Castañe (Industry Innovation)



429 Industry Innovation – DRYSIST by OPP Group & Castañe

429 Industry Innovation
DRYSIST by OPP Group & Castañe
In Significant Impact Groups: Biosecurity \External biosecurity; Vehicles; Pathogen management
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry; Dairy; Beef; Sheep;
Age: Not stated;
Drysist is a thermal disinfection system for animal transport vehicles that allows the programming of the minimum temperatures to be reached inside the truck and the effective disinfection time. The thermal disinfection is complemented by a disinfectant mist in the lower parts of the truck and by a manual disinfection of the truck cabin
Where to find the original material: http://oppgroup.com/productos-y-servicios/drysist/;
Country: ES