38- A WUR SNP is associated with European Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Virus Syndrome (Research paper – Abellaa – 2016)
38 Research paper
A WUR SNP is associated with European Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Virus Syndrome resistance and growth performance in pigs
by Abellaa, G, Penaa, R.N., Nogaredaa, C., Armengola, R, Vidalc, A., Moradellc, L., Tarancond, V., Novelld, E., Estanya, J., and L. Frailea
2016 Research in Veterinary Science 104: 117-122
In Significant Impact Groups: Breeding for disease resistance or robustness \
Species targeted: Pigs;
Age: Young; Adult;
A Spanish study investigated the variation in Average Daily Gain (ADG) between pigs vaccinated with a local Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) strain and pigs infected with a wild-type virus. Pigs from negative PRRSV farms were infected with a wild-type virus or vaccinated with a local PRRSV strain. The amount of virus shed from the pigs, ADG and their genotype (i.e. ‘WUR’ at a specific protein gene) was assessed. Results showed individual variation in the amount of virus from pigs challenged with a wild-type or a vaccine strain. The presence of the gene trait, WUR, was linked to positive ADG in vaccinated pigs. However, the reverse happened in a virus-free environment where pigs without this gene trait were those that grew fastest. There’s scope for selecting pigs according to their responses to PRRS virus infection – the WUR gene trait may play a role in PRRSV resistance.
38 Research paper – Abellaa – 2016 – A WUR SNP is associated with European Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Virus Syndrome
Where to find the original material: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0034528815301156; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rvsc.2015.12.014
Country: ES