84 : A longitudinal field trial assessing the impact of feeding waste milk containing antibiotic residues on the prevalence of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli in calves (Research paper – Brunton, 2014)


84 Research paper – Brunton – 2014 – A longitudinal field trial assessing the impact of feeding waste milk containing antibiotic residues on the prevalence of ESBL-producing Escherichia col

84 : Research paper
A longitudinal field trial assessing the impact of feeding waste milk containing antibiotic residues on the prevalence of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli in calves.  Brunton, L.A., Reeves, H.E., Snow, L.C. and J.R. Jones. 2014. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 117: 403-412.

In Significant Impact Groups: Pathogen management \ Feed / gut health
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Young;

Summary: A field trial was done on a farm known to have resistant Escherichia coli, in order to understand if feeding calves with waste milk with antibiotic residues could lead to detecting more resistant bacteria in the faeces of calves. The findings of this study indicate that feeding waste milk with antibiotic residues on this farm increased the amount of resistant bacteria shed in the faeces. Resistant E. coli persists for longer after weaning in calves fed milk with resistant bacteria. These findings are applicable to the situation observed on this farm, but may differ on other farms depending on contents of the waste milk or level of contamination on the farm. Still, the antibiotics used on this farm have been commonly used on dairy farms in in England and Wales, so results shown can give an idea of what to expect in similar contexts.

84 : Research paper – Brunton – 2014 – A longitudinal field trial assessing the impact of feeding waste milk containing antibiotic residues on the prevalence of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli in calves
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167587714002578; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2014.08.005

Country: UK

38- A WUR SNP is associated with European Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Virus Syndrome (Research paper – Abellaa – 2016)



38 Research paper – Abellaa – 2016 – A WUR SNP is associated with European Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Virus Syndrome

38 Research paper
A WUR SNP is associated with European Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Virus Syndrome resistance and growth performance in pigs
by Abellaa, G, Penaa, R.N., Nogaredaa, C., Armengola, R, Vidalc, A., Moradellc, L., Tarancond, V., Novelld, E., Estanya, J., and L. Frailea
2016 Research in Veterinary Science 104: 117-122
In Significant Impact Groups: Breeding for disease resistance or robustness \
Species targeted: Pigs;
Age: Young; Adult;
A Spanish study investigated the variation in Average Daily Gain (ADG) between pigs vaccinated with a local Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) strain and pigs infected with a wild-type virus. Pigs from negative PRRSV farms were infected with a wild-type virus or vaccinated with a local PRRSV strain. The amount of virus shed from the pigs, ADG and their genotype (i.e. ‘WUR’ at a specific protein gene) was assessed. Results showed individual variation in the amount of virus from pigs challenged with a wild-type or a vaccine strain. The presence of the gene trait, WUR, was linked to positive ADG in vaccinated pigs. However, the reverse happened in a virus-free environment where pigs without this gene trait were those that grew fastest. There’s scope for selecting pigs according to their responses to PRRS virus infection – the WUR gene trait may play a role in PRRSV resistance.
38 Research paper – Abellaa – 2016 – A WUR SNP is associated with European Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Virus Syndrome
Where to find the original material: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0034528815301156; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rvsc.2015.12.014
Country: ES

25 : Antimicrobial use policy change in pre-weaned dairy calves and its impact on antimicrobial resistance in commensal Escherichia coli. A cross sectional and ecological study (Research paper – Afema, 2019)



25 Research paper – Afema – 2019 – Antimicrobial use policy change in preweaned dairy calves and its impact on antimicrobial resistance in commensal Escherichia coli_ a cross sectional and e

25 : Research paper
Antimicrobial use policy change in pre-weaned dairy calves and its impact on antimicrobial resistance in commensal Escherichia coli: a cross sectional and ecological study. Afema, J.A., Davis, M.A. and W.M. Sischo. 2019. BMC Microbiology 19: 217 (14p.)

In Significant Impact Groups: AMU reduction strategies \ Legislation and incentives; Prudent use AB
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Young;

Based on feedback and interaction between study investigators, farm management and consulting veterinarians, a new policy was implemented to reduce antimicrobial use in calves. We investigated the effects of these policy changes in antimicrobial use on resistance in commensal Escherichia coli. In general, there was a declining trend in resistance to most antimicrobials during and after policy changes were implemented, except for ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, ceftiofur and gentamicin.

25 : Research paper – Afema – 2019 – Antimicrobial use policy change in pre-weaned dairy calves and its impact on antimicrobial resistance in commensal Escherichia coli_ a cross sectional and ecological study

Where to find the original material: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12866-019-1576-6; https://doi.org/10.1186/s12866-019-1576-6

Country: US

521 Sociology of antibiotic use in poultry farming (Research paper – Fortané, et al., 2019)



521 Research paper – Fortané N., Ducrot C., Paul M. – 2019 – SOCIOLOGY OF ANTIBIOTIC USE IN POULTRY FARMING

521 Research paper
by Fortané N., Ducrot C., Paul M.
2019 Treizièmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Tours, 20 et 21 mars 2019

In Significant Impact Groups: AMU reduction strategies
Species targeted: Poultry;
Social sciences highlight how individual but also organizational, institutional or even market factors, as well as different scales (farms, veterinary practices and territories, public policies and society), interact to promote the reduction of antibiotic use in livestock.
521 Research paper – Fortané N., Ducrot C., Paul M. – 2019 – SOCIOLOGY OF ANTIBIOTIC USE IN POULTRY FARMING
Country: FR

520 Reducing the use of antibiotics in the palmipeds sector What is the reality in terms of uses and what strategy? (Research report – Litt et al., 2016)



520 Research report – LITT J., BONNAUD V., LE BOUQUIN S. , SOUILLARD R. , PAUL M., ROUSSET N. – 2016 – Reducing the use of antibiotics in the palmipeds sector What is the reality in terms o

520 Research report
Reducing the use of antibiotics in the palmipeds sector : What is the reality in terms of uses and what strategy?
2016 TEMA January-February-March 2016: 27-35
In Significant Impact Groups: AMU reduction strategies
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Young;
Where to find the original material:
Country: FR
A survey on mule duck production as part of a project to prevent and reduce the use of antibiotics in poultry farming, especially during the young aging.
520 Research report – LITT J., BONNAUD V., LE BOUQUIN S. , SOUILLARD R. , PAUL M., ROUSSET N. – 2016 – Reducing the use of antibiotics in the palmipeds sector : What is the reality in terms of uses and what strategy?

519 Support an approach to reduce the antimicrobial use at a poultry farm level – integrate human factors comprehension in technical advices toward farmers(Research report; Rousset et al., 2018)



519 Research report ROUSSET N DEZAT E LE BOUQUIN S MAHE F CARDINEAU L CHAUVIN C and ROUXEL G 2018 Support an approach to reduce the antimicrobial use

519 Research report
Support an approach to reduce the antimicrobial use at a poultry farm level – integrate human factors comprehension in technical advices toward farmers
2018 TEMA April-May-June 2018: 57-66
In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB \ Farmer
Species targeted: Poultry;
Country: FR
Support an approach to reduce the antimicrobial use at a poultry farm level : integrate human factors comprehension in technical advices toward farmers
519 Research report – ROUSSET N, , DEZAT E., LE BOUQUIN S., , MAHE F.,CARDINEAU L, , CHAUVIN C., and ROUXEL G. – 2018 – Support an approach to reduce the antimicrobial use at a poultry farm level


518 Starting of Label Rouge broiler production: preserving the welfare and the performances of animals (Research report; Pertusa et al., 2020)



518 Research report PERTUSA M PATANCHON H CORRE T ROUSSET N PAUL M 2020 Starting of Label Rouge broiler

518 Research report
Starting of Label Rouge broiler production: preserving the welfare and the performances of animals
by PERTUSA M., PATANCHON H,, CORRE T., ROUSSET N., PAUL M. 2020 TEMA Avril-Mai-Juin 2020: 07-Jan
In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Young;

Summary: Starting of Label Rouge broiler production: preserving the welfare and the performances of animals. The first days of life of the chicks are crucial and require special attention from the breeder. A good start is important for the further development of the animal and influences the success of the batch in breeding. For this reason, it seems important to sensitize the technical teams and the breeders to the management of the early period and to provide keys to better understand and control this phase. Following the start-up monitoring carried out in 45 Label Rouge broiler farms in the region Nouvelle Aquitaine (France); two major levers appeared to be significant in the success of this first period of the animal’s life:- Early feeding and watering, as soon as the chicks arrive in the building.- Good quality, dry and healthy bedding throughout the start-up period, implying controlled management of preheating, temperature and hygrometry as well as good air renewal in the building.

518 Research report – PERTUSA M., PATANCHON H,, CORRE T., ROUSSET N., PAUL M. – 2020 – Starting of Label Rouge broiler production: preserving the welfare and the performances of animals

Country: FR

517 The participatory support approach applied to biosecurity in poultry farming : Teaching of an “initial diagnosis” step (Research report; Rousset, et al. 2020)



517 Research report – ROUSSET N., SCOIZEC A., CADET M., KOULETE E., LE BOUQUIN S., BOUDET S., KLING-EVEILLARD F. – 2020 – The participatory support approach applied to biosecurity in poult

517 Research report
The participatory support approach applied to biosecurity in poultry farming :Teaching of an “initial diagnosis” step
In Significant Impact Groups: Biosecurity
Species targeted: Poultry;
Summary: The participatory support approach applied to biosecurity in poultry farming :Teaching of an “initial diagnosis” stepA reinforcement of legislation occurred recently to allow an overall increase in the sanitary control of the French poultry sector.The poultry keepers have to apply strictly biosecurity measures, but difficulties in compliance persist. Now, the prescriptive and/or regulatory approach seems to have certain limitations. The project PartAge aims to test an alternative approach using participatory methods. This project is articulated in three phases: “initial diagnosis”, “progression”, “assessment”. Each phase is composed of two steps: qualitative individual interviews and a participatory meeting. The results of the interviews in the first step, indicate that most of farmers perceive biosecurity measures as a professional standard, although the term “biosecurity” may have negative connotations for some. Nevertheless, some farmers tends do relativize the effectiveness of certain kind of measures. The participatory meetings seem interesting to mobilize in order to remove certain technical and practical obstacles,or to change negative attitudes, by promoting the transfer of knowledge s , the sharing of experience and opinions between peers or with other actors in the sector. An overall qualitative evaluation of the impact of this approach will be conducted at the end of the project.
517 Research report – ROUSSET N., SCOIZEC A., CADET M., KOULETE E., LE BOUQUIN S., BOUDET S., KLING-EVEILLARD F. – 2020 – The participatory support approach applied to biosecurity in poultry farming :Teaching of an “initial diagnosis” step

Country: FR

508 – RefA²vi Towards the formalization of a French network on the use of antibiotics at poultry farms level (Research paper – Rousset – 2019)



508 Research paper – Rousset – 2019 – RefA²vi Towards the formalization of a French network

508 Research paper
RefA²vi: Towards the formalization of a French professional reference network on the use of antibiotics at poultry farms level. by Rousset N., Carré Y., Richard A., Brice Y. and Chauvin C. 2019 Treizièmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Tours, 20 et 21 mars 2019

In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB \ Farmer
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
RefA²vi: Towards the formalization of a French professional reference network on the use of antibiotics atpoultry farms level.Currently poultry production organizations are committed to defining an indicator monitoring the reasoned use of antibiotics. That is why, the French Poultry Institute (ITAVI), with the French poultry’s inter-professional organizations and Anses formalize a professional network to collect computerized data on use of antibiotics at farm level (RefA²vi project). In 2014 and 2015, two surveys allowed collecting data from poultry farms in all species and production types. This work aimed to discuss then to choose with the professional actors, the more pertinent indicators for all poultry productions. Finally, partners imagined a scheme of network organization, which have been tested during a pilot phase. The computerized data on use of antibiotics recorded by poultry production organizations will be sent to CIPC-CIDEF- CICAR for anonymization and aggregation, in order to send them at ITAVI, which will calculate the exposure indicators following a proven method defined with Anses. ITAVI will ensure the network’s animation (newsletter, organization of steering committee meetings).
Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/refa2vi-vers-la-formalisation-dun-reseau-de-references-professionnelles-francais-sur;
Country: FR

507 – Impact of disinfectant water treatment (Research paper – Guichard – 2019)



507 Research paper – GUICHARD – 2019 – Impact of disinfectant water treatment

507 Research paper
Impact of disinfectant water treatment for pigs, poultry and rabbits on thestability of antibiotics by GUICHARD P., LEFORT A.C, BORDAS A., MOREAC T., CHEVANCE A. , BLOT J., TRAVEL A., 2019 TEMA Juillet – Août – Septembre 2019 : 31-35
In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB \ Veterinarian; Water
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
Impact of disinfectant water treatment for pigs, poultry and rabbits on the stability of antibiotics. This study confirms the impact of disinfectants on the stability of some antibiotics in the water and demonstrates the multifactorial and complex nature of this stability.
Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/impact-de-la-desinfection-des-eaux-dabreuvement-des-porcs-volailles-et-lapins-sur-la;
Country: FR