428 Cadavers hydrolisis by Biosecuritas (Industry Innovation)
428 Industry Innovation – Cadavers hydrolisis by Biosecuritas
428 Industry Innovation
Cadavers hydrolisis by Biosecuritas
In Significant Impact Groups: Biosecurity \External biosecurity; Cadavers
Species targeted: Pigs;
Age: Not stated;
Hydrolysis of death animals is a system for an intermediate storage of cadavers during at least 6 months. The main advantages are: (i) bacterial and virus control in the environment because hydrolysis produce an inactivation of the majority of the pathogens, and (ii) reduce the carcass collection frequency. It is not needed to collect the death animals once or twice per week, with this system the carcass collection is once or twice per year.
Where to find the original material: https://www.biosecuritas.com/;
Country: ES