452 – Plan estrategico lucha contra resistencias a antimicrobianos 2019 by AEMPS (Tools & Checklists)



452 Tools & Checklists – Plan estrategico lucha contra resistencias a antimicrobianos 2019 by AEMPS

452 Tools & Checklists
Plan estrategico lucha contra resistencias a antimicrobianos 2019 by AEMPS
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry; Dairy; Beef; Sheep;
The Spanish Agency for Medicines and Healthcare Products (AEMPS) has coordinated the development of the national plan to combat antibiotic resistance. This plan, coordinated between human and veterinary medicine, has different levels of action with implementation objectives. The second plan was approved in 2019.
452 Tools & Checklists – Plan estrategico lucha contra resistencias a antimicrobianos 2019 by AEMPS
Where to find the original material: https://resistenciaantibioticos.es/es/system/files/field/files/pran_2019-2021_0.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=497&force=0;
Country: Spain

451 – Plan estrategico lucha resistencia a antimicrobianos by AEMPS (Tools & Checklists)



451 Tools & Checklists – Plan estrategico lucha resistencia a antimicrobianos by AEMPS

451 Tools & Checklists
Plan estrategico lucha resistencia a antimicrobianos by AEMPS
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry; Dairy; Beef; Sheep;
The Spanish Agency for Medicines and Healthcare Products (AEMPS) has coordinated the development of the national plan to combat antibiotic resistance. This plan, coordinated between human and veterinary medicine, has different levels of action with implementation objectives. The first plan was developed and approved in 2014.
451 Tools & Checklists – Plan estrategico lucha resistencia a antimicrobianos by AEMPS
Where to find the original material: https://www.aemps.gob.es/publicaciones/publica/plan-estrategico-antibioticos/v2/docs/plan-estrategico-antimicrobianos-AEMPS.pdf;
Country: Spain;


436 Water medication calculator by 3Tres3 (Tools & Checklists)



436 Tools & Checklists – Water medication calculator by 3Tres3

436 Tools & Checklists
Water medication calculator by 3Tres3
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs;
This simulator calculates the amount of medicine to be incorporated into the water when using a flow meter. To calculate the mother solution we must enter our data. If the amount of water consumed is not known, the simulator provides an approximation based on the number of animals, their weight, temperature and the amount of water wasted. In any case, from the amount of mother solution consumed on the first day of medication, the real water consumption can be calculated.
Where to find the original material: https://www.3tres3.com/simulador-medicacion-en-agua
Country: Spain;

435 ZOETIS – 2016 – Individual Pig Care Poster by ZOETIS (Tools & Checklists)



435 Tools & Checklists – ZOETIS – 2016 – Individual Pig Care Poster by ZOETIS

435 Tools & Checklists
ZOETIS – 2016 – Individual Pig Care Poster by ZOETIS
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs;
Individual Pig Care from Zoetis helps you spot sickness sooner, so pigs can get the treatment they need at the right time. In the post is shown some of the symptons you can find A (Acute), B (Subacute) or C (Chronic illness).
Where to find the original material: https://www.zoetisus.com/responsible-antibiotic-use/downloads/individual_pig_care_poster.pdf;
Country: Spain; USA

434 MAPA – 2020 – Guia eutanasia porcino by Ministry of Agriculure of Spain (Tools & Checklists)



434 Tools & Checklists – MAPA – 2020 – Guia eutanasia porcino by Ministry of Agriculure of Spain

434 Tools & Checklists
MAPA – 2020 – Guia eutanasia porcino by Ministry of Agriculure of Spain
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs;
Guidelines for proper on-farm killing on pigs in accordance with welfare regulations at slaughter. The different means available and their suitability for the type of animal are analysed.
Where to find the original material: https://www.mapa.gob.es/es/ganaderia/temas/produccion-y-mercados-ganaderos/guiaparalaeutanasiadelosanimalesenlasexplotacionesporcinas_13072020_tcm30-541206.pdf;
Country: Spain;

433 INTERPORC – 2020 – Guia gestion gases by INTERPORC and University of Lleida (Tools & Checklists)



433 Tools & Checklists – INTERPORC – 2020 – Guia gestion gases by INTERPORC and University of Lleida

433 Tools & Checklists
INTERPORC – 2020 – Guia gestion gases by INTERPORC and University of Lleida
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs;
Guidelines for a gas management and gas emission reduction in pig farms.

Where to find the original material: https://interporc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Guia-para-la-minimizacion-de-las-emisiones-gases-granjas-Noviembre20.pdf;
Country: Spain;

432 INTERPORC – 2020 – Guia gestion agua by INTERPORC and University of Lleida (Tools & Checklists)



432 Tools & Checklists – INTERPORC – 2020 – Guia gestion agua by INTERPORC and University of Lleida

432 Tools & Checklists
INTERPORC – 2020 – Guia gestion agua by INTERPORC and University of Lleida
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs;
Guidelines about the water management in a pig farm: quality and management.

Where to find the original material: https://interporc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/guia-para-la-gestion-del-agua-en-la-explotacion-porcina.pdf;
Country: Spain;

431 ANPROGAPOR – 2020 – Procteccion COVID en porcino by ANPROGAPOR (Tools & Checklists)



431 Tools & Checklists – ANPROGAPOR – 2020 – Procteccion COVID en porcino by ANPROGAPOR

431 Tools & Checklists
ANPROGAPOR – 2020 – Procteccion COVID en porcino by ANPROGAPOR
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs;
Guidelines for farmers proteccion and prevention of Covid-19 in pig farms.
431 Tools & Checklists – ANPROGAPOR – 2020 – Procteccion COVID en porcino by ANPROGAPOR
Where to find the original material: http://www.anprogapor.es/v_portal/inc/clicklink.asp?t=3&cod=228&c=0&s=499693805;
Country: Spain

430 ANPROGAPOR – 2015 – guia practicas correctas higiene porcino by Regional Government of Aragon (Tools & Checklists)



430 Tools & Checklists – ANPROGAPOR – 2015 – guia practicas correctas higiene porcino by Regional Government of Aragon

430 Tools & Checklists
ANPROGAPOR – 2015 – guia practicas correctas higiene porcino
by Regional Government of Aragon
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs;
Guidelines for good hygenic good practices in pig facilities.
430 Tools & Checklists – ANPROGAPOR – 2015 – guia practicas correctas higiene porcino by Regional Government of Aragon
Where to find the original material: https://www.aragon.es/documents/20127/674325/2014_GBP_%20PORCINO.pdf/455f3f07-cb90-8ed2-a689-a30287191d92;
Country: Spain;

429 DRYSIST by OPP Group & Castañe (Industry Innovation)



429 Industry Innovation – DRYSIST by OPP Group & Castañe

429 Industry Innovation
DRYSIST by OPP Group & Castañe
In Significant Impact Groups: Biosecurity \External biosecurity; Vehicles; Pathogen management
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry; Dairy; Beef; Sheep;
Age: Not stated;
Drysist is a thermal disinfection system for animal transport vehicles that allows the programming of the minimum temperatures to be reached inside the truck and the effective disinfection time. The thermal disinfection is complemented by a disinfectant mist in the lower parts of the truck and by a manual disinfection of the truck cabin
Where to find the original material: http://oppgroup.com/productos-y-servicios/drysist/;
Country: ES