367 Critical control points for sheepfolds by Idele (Tools & Checklists)



367 ToolsChecklists – Critical control points for sheepfolds by Idele

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare
Species targeted: Sheep;
Health and welfare of sheep are strongly influenced by the design and layout of sheepfolds. During the health assessment, it is imperative to ensure the quality of the buildings. This document summarises the main standards and recommendations to be checked in a sheep pen.

Where to find the original material: (to be published on the Disarm website)
Country: France;

363 Healthy lambs by Idele (Tools & Checklists)



363 ToolsChecklists – Healthy lambs by Idele

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare
Species targeted: Sheep;
Firstly, the document presents an inventory of lamb health in relation to the building. Main pathologies and all factors influencing the health of the animals are discussed. Then, the key-points at the different stages of a lamb’s life (from birth to fattening) are described. For each of these stages, the issues, the main health risks, the actions to be implemented to prevent diseases and the improvements to be planned in the sheep pen are presented. At the end of the document, good practices related to the building to protect the lambs are collected: biosecurity measures, watering, technical recommendations for the organisation and layout of the sheepfold, littering, cleaning and disinfection of the sheepfold, lighting and ventilation.

Where to find the original material: https://idele.fr/?eID=cmis_download&oID=workspace://SpacesStore/5d181f32-1d59-4e3b-bb3f-82d0cd126b7f
Country: France;

362 The correct use of antibiotics in lambs and goat-kids – Five key points for greater serenity by Idele (Tools & Checklists)



362 ToolsChecklists – The correct use of antibiotics in lambs and goat-kids_ Five key points for greater serenity by Idele

In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB
Species targeted: Goat; Sheep;
Reasoned and targeted use of antibiotics in lambs and kids follows a set of prescription and administration rules. A set of practical measures are recalled in this booklet. The rearing of young animals, whether kids or lambs, is based on a set of preventive measures to limit the occurrence of infections and their spread within the herd. Surveillance and care are therefore required from a very young age. Whereas diseases occur and after diagnosis, antibiotic treatment may be necessary.

Where to find the original material: https://idele.fr/?eID=cmis_download&oID=workspace://SpacesStore/f2104eea-0696-4379-8803-bde4f2437e32
Country: France;

361 Antibiotics in goats: Essential for group pathologies while focusing on prevention by Idele (Tools & Checklists)



361 ToolsChecklists – Antibiotics in goats_ essential for group pathologies while focusing on prevention by Idele

In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB
Species targeted: Goat;
A survey was carried out among 46 goat farmers to better understand their actions in the event of pathologies in goats and kids, regarding both the use of antibiotics and preventive management. When asked about their practices of using antibiotics in male or female goat kids, the farmers expressed the importance of surveillance and prevention. Challenged with the health risks encountered in young animals, they are attentive to the first signs of disease in order to react as quickly as possible and as closely as possible to the needs of the animals. The survey reported the implemented preventive methods, particularly about feeding and housing. The farming practices most commonly used to reduce the use of antibiotics in kids in the farms are :• Surveillance and care of the animals;• Early feeding of colostrum in sufficient quantity and quality, if necessary after thermisation;• The respect of feed requirements and feed transitions;• Good environmental conditions.

Where to find the original material: http://idele.fr/domaines-techniques/publication/idelesolr/recommends/les-antibiotiques-en-caprins-indispensables-pour-les-pathologies-de-groupe-tout-en-misant-sur-la-p.html;
Country: France;

360 Antibiotics in meat lambs – Indispensable but not automatic by Idele (Tools & Checklists)



360 ToolsChecklists – Antibiotics in meat lambs_ indispensable but not automatic by Idele

In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB
Species targeted: Sheep;
A survey was carried out among 45 farmers in the sheep-meat sector to gain a better understanding of actions in the event of pathologies in young lambs, considering both antibiotic use and preventive management. When asked about their practices regarding the use of antibiotics in lambs, the farmers insisted on the importance they attach to prevention. While antibiotics are still essential, they are used sparingly. Concrete examples taken from the pathologies with which they are frequently confronted (arthritis, pasteurellosis, enterotoxemia) illustrate their opinions. The farming practices most frequently used to reduce the use of antibiotics in lambs in the farms surveyed are :• Animal surveillance• The lambing pen and monitoring of colostrum feeding• Hygiene and care for lambs: disinfection of navel, tail and ear tags• A balanced diet throughout the year with dietary transitions if necessary.

Where to find the original material: http://idele.fr/domaines-techniques/publication/idelesolr/recommends/les-antibiotiques-en-ovins-viande-indispensables-mais-pas-automatiques.html;
Country: France

359 Antibiotics in lambs of dairy herds – A reasoned use with a focus on preventive measures by Idele (Tools & Checklists)



359 ToolsChecklists – Antibiotics in lambs of dairy herds_ a reasoned use with a focus on preventive measures by Idele

In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB
Species targeted: Sheep;
A survey was carried out among 46 dairy sheep farmers to better understand measures put in place in the event of pathologies in young lambs, both in terms of antibiotic use and preventive actions. When asked about their practices regarding the use of antibiotics in lambs, the farmers expressed the importance they attach to the feeding and housing conditions of animals in order to prevent health problems. The use of antibiotics remains punctual and reasoned. The most common farming practices used to reduce the use of antibiotics in lambs on the surveyed farms are : • A balanced diet, including mineral feed, throughout gestation and preparation for lambing, • The lambing hutting, the creation of the mother-younger bond and the assurance of an important and fast colostrum intake, • Homogeneous batches of lambs in terms of age and weight, • Good environmental conditions in the building and sufficient litter.

Where to find the original material: http://idele.fr/domaines-techniques/publication/idelesolr/recommends/les-antibiotiques-chez-les-agneaux-en-ovins-lait-une-utilisation-raisonnee-en-misant-sur-les-moyen.html;
Country: France

352 Biosecurity factsheets Avian influenza – ITAVI by ITAVI (Tools & Checklists)



352 ToolsChecklists – Biosecurity factsheets Avian influenza – ITAVI by ITAVI

In Significant Impact Groups: Biosecurity
Species targeted: Poultry;
Facts sheets to explain to farmers the French regulation about biosecurity in all possible cases of farms/ types of production /species following the avian influenza crisis. Factsheets in French only, downloadble from the ITAVI website.

Where to find the original material: http://influenza.itavi.asso.fr/?fbclid=IwAR3S7ow5-7Yv-5oce2-fCWJe3ZFzk-gRIeURZdGKt_lqvwLhB9ypWtbklQg;
Country: France;

351 – Recommendations about biosecurity for small poultry farms by European Rural Poultry Association (Tools & Checklists)



351 ToolsChecklists – Recommendations about biosecurity for small poultry farms by European Rural Poultry Association

In Significant Impact Groups: Biosecurity
Species targeted: Poultry;
In a context where all poultry farms must apply strict biosecurity measures in order to protect themselves from several health threats such as Avian Influenza, ERPA, the European Rural Poultry Association, has produced two biosecurity information sheets for rural poultry farmers in Europe. These sheets are the result of a work carried out by ERPA in 2017, which first consisted of comparing the biosecurity regulations of several Member states to protect against AI, then defining homogenous biosecurity measures for all the rural poultry farmers in Europe. Simple to understand, these information sheets remind the basic principles to be respected in a poultry farm: protection of the rearing areas and management of interventions, management of the production units independently from each other, separation of palmipeds/gallinaceans, protocol of use of the changing room, application of waiting periods, and protection of animal feed, water and poultry in case of Avian Influenza in wild birds.

Where to find the original material: https://erpa-ruralpoultry.wixsite.com/erpa-en/biosecurity-sheets;
Country: France

286 KNMvD Guideline Antimicrobial use in dry cow therapy by KNMvD (Tools & Checklists)



286 ToolsChecklists – KNMvD Guideline Antimicrobial use in dry cow therapy by KNMvD

In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB \ Veterinarian
Species targeted: Dairy;
This first veterinary guideline in the Netherlands was written to provide the bovine practitioners in the Netherlands with advice about prescription and use of antimicrobials regarding drying off dairy cows with minimization of preventive use of antimicrobials due to (sub)clinical mastitis (KNMvD 2014).The guideline is in Dutch and was published on 4 November 2013 and was adopted by the board of the KNMvD on 10 January 2014.

Where to find the original material: https://www.knmvd.nl/richtlijn-antimicrobiele-middelen-bij-het-droogzetten-van-koeien/;
Country: Netherlands;

258 – Assessment of the innocuity and immunostimulant properties of plant extracts in chicken cell lines (Research paper – Allimonnier, 2019)



258 Research paper – Allimonnier – 2019 – Assessment of the innocuity and immunostimulant properties of plant extracts in chicken cell lines

In Significant Impact Groups: Specific alternatives \ Immunomodulators
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
The use of plant extracts in poultry feed is a promising approach to reinforce the animals’ natural defenses. However, this approach is limited by the lack of robust references and solid methodological bases. Our objective was to develop and test a simple, reliable and repeatable method to determine capacities of plant extracts in stimulating the natural defenses of poultry. A bibliographic study helped identifying 4 plant extracts: Astragalus, Echinacea, Ginseng and Melissa. We have shown that Astragalus, Echinacea, Ginseng and Melissa had little or no cytotoxic effects. Results from experiments with Melissa and Ginseng suggest these may have immune stimulating activities. The Melissa and Ginseng extracts appear to be non-cytotoxic candidates, capable of stimulating the natural defenses of poultry.

Where to find the original material: https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-02734430;
Country: FR