431 ANPROGAPOR – 2020 – Procteccion COVID en porcino by ANPROGAPOR (Tools & Checklists)



431 Tools & Checklists – ANPROGAPOR – 2020 – Procteccion COVID en porcino by ANPROGAPOR

431 Tools & Checklists
ANPROGAPOR – 2020 – Procteccion COVID en porcino by ANPROGAPOR
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs;
Guidelines for farmers proteccion and prevention of Covid-19 in pig farms.
431 Tools & Checklists – ANPROGAPOR – 2020 – Procteccion COVID en porcino by ANPROGAPOR
Where to find the original material: http://www.anprogapor.es/v_portal/inc/clicklink.asp?t=3&cod=228&c=0&s=499693805;
Country: Spain

430 ANPROGAPOR – 2015 – guia practicas correctas higiene porcino by Regional Government of Aragon (Tools & Checklists)



430 Tools & Checklists – ANPROGAPOR – 2015 – guia practicas correctas higiene porcino by Regional Government of Aragon

430 Tools & Checklists
ANPROGAPOR – 2015 – guia practicas correctas higiene porcino
by Regional Government of Aragon
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs;
Guidelines for good hygenic good practices in pig facilities.
430 Tools & Checklists – ANPROGAPOR – 2015 – guia practicas correctas higiene porcino by Regional Government of Aragon
Where to find the original material: https://www.aragon.es/documents/20127/674325/2014_GBP_%20PORCINO.pdf/455f3f07-cb90-8ed2-a689-a30287191d92;
Country: Spain;

422 Reducing lameness for Better Returns by Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (Tools & Checklists)



422 Tools & Checklists – Reducing lameness for Better Returns by Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board

422 Tools & Checklists
Reducing lameness for Better Returns by Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Sheep;
It may not be possible to eradicate lameness entirely, but producers who understand the condition and its many and varied causes can reduce the physical and financial effects of having lame animals on the farm. You need to devise a strategy to suit your situation and employ various management tools to prevent and reduce its effect on your flock. It is important to correctly diagnose the cause of lameness and to only use antibiotics when necessary and effective. This manual describes in detail the different diseases that can cause sheep to go lame. It outlines a five-point plan to tackle these diseases, including culling persistent offenders, quarantining all incomers and treating affected sheep appropriately.
Where to find the original material: https://projectblue.blob.core.windows.net/media/Default/Beef%20&%20Lamb/BRP_ReduceLame3484_200323_WEB.pdf;
Country: United Kingdom;

416 Guide for vaccinations against E Coli mastitis by SEGES (Tools & Checklists)



416 ToolsChecklists – Guide for vaccinations against E Coli mastitis by SEGES

416 Tools & Checklists
Guide for vaccinations against E.Coli mastitis by SEGES
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Dairy;
The checklist is a quick guide to vaccinate dairy cows against E. Coli mastitis. The guide covers all details from the important diagnostic, planning, how to handle the vaccine, how to do the practical part, when to vaccinate and possible side effects.
416 ToolsChecklists – Guide for vaccinations against E Coli mastitis by SEGES
Where to find the original material: https://www.landbrugsinfo.dk/-/media/landbrugsinfo/public/8/8/0/sop_vaccination.pdf;

Country: Denmark;

405 – Code of Good Practice Regarding the Responsible Prescribing and Use of Antibiotics in Farm Animals by Irish Farmers IFA and Veterinary Practitioners (Tools & Checklists)



405 ToolsChecklists – Code of Good Practice Regarding the Responsible Prescribing and Use of Antibiotics in Farm Animals by Irish Farmers IFA and Veterinary Practitioners

405 Tools & Checklists
Code of Good Practice Regarding the Responsible Prescribing and Use of Antibiotics in Farm Animals by Irish Farmers (IFA) and Veterinary Practitioners (Veterinary Ireland)
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry; Dairy; Beef; Sheep;
Responsible use of antibiotics means aiming to use “as little as possible and as much as necessary”. A „Code of Good Practice Regarding the Responsible Prescribing and Use of Antibiotics in Farm Animals‟ was launched in November 2018. These Guidelines have been developed by Irish Farmers and Veterinary Practitioners to guide good practice in the responsible prescribing and use of antibiotics in farm animals, in response to the global societal challenge of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The development of and spread of AMR is a challenge for public and animal health into the future. Farmers have a key role to play by working to keep antibiotics effective for future generations through improving animal health and reducing levels of use on farms.
Where to find the original material: https://www.gov.ie/pdf/?file=https://assets.gov.ie/94001/550a156d-4ccb-40fe-97c1-ecb860263a0b.pdf#page=1
Country: Ireland

404 Bioexclusion – Keeping Infectious Diseases Out of Your Herd by Animal Health Ireland (Tools & Checklists)



404 ToolsChecklists – Bioexclusion_ Keeping Infectious Diseases Out of Your Herd by Animal Health Ireland

404 Tools & Checklists
Bioexclusion: Keeping Infectious Diseases Out of Your Herd by Animal Health Ireland
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Dairy; Beef;

Threats to the health of your stock may come from outside your farm and from within your farm. Protecting the health of animals on your farm by implementing simple preventative practices is called Biosecurity. There are two types of BIOSECURITY PRACTICES: 1. Actions taken to reduce the risk of infectious disease coming into your farm (BIOEXCLUSION). 2. Actions taken to reduce spread of infectious diseases within your farm (BIOCONTAINMENT). You can reduce (but not always eliminate) the risk of bringing-in disease by implementing bioexclusion practices. This leaflet deals with practical steps to help you improve and maintain a high level of Bioexclusion. As herds expand farmers need to be even more conscious of implementing bioexclusion practices.

Where to find the original material: https://animalhealthireland.ie/?page_id=397;
Country: Ireland

402 Best Practice Guidance to reduce the need for antibiotics in poultry production by International Poultry Council (Tools & Checklists)



402 ToolsChecklists – Best Practice Guidance to reduce the need for antibiotics in poultry production by International Poultry Council

402 Tools & Checklists
Best Practice Guidance to reduce the need for antibiotics in poultry production by International Poultry Council
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Poultry;

Addressing antimicrobial resistance through the sharing of best practices is essential to maximizing the health, welfare and productivity of poultry, and minimizing the potential spread of food borne antimicrobial resistance to humans. This Guidance, written by poultry industry experts in conjunction with the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), provides practical and proven actions that can be taken at farm level. These will support poultry farmers and veterinarians in their duty to use antibiotics through a responsible, prudent and targeted application, to reduce the risk of resistance and ensure they remain effective in the future.

Where to find the original material: https://internationalpoultrycouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/ipc_best_practices_antibiotics.pdf;
Country: International;

394 – Ghid de bune practici privind sănătatea ugerului în fermele europene de vaci de lapte care utilizează sisteme automate de muls şi alte tehnologii în domeniul producţiei (Tools & Checklists)



394 ToolsChecklists – Ghid de bune practici privind sănătatea ugerului în fermele europene de vaci de lapte care utilizează sisteme automate de muls şi alte tehnologii în domeniul producţiei

In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Dairy;
This guide aims to help farmers use new milking technologies and automatic milking systems (SAM). It describes the various technologies available for mastitis monitoring and provides some general tips on maintaining good udder health.

Where to find the original material: https://4d4f.eu/sites/default/files/4_GBP_sanatate_uger.pdf;
Country: Belgium;

393 – 4 ways Sweden has cut antibiotics use on dairy farms by Ylva Persson associate state veterinarian at the Swedish Veterinarian Association (Tools & Checklists)



393 ToolsChecklists – 4 ways Sweden has cut antibiotics use on dairy farms by Ylva Persson associate state veterinarian at the Swedish Veterinarian Association

In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Dairy;
Ylva Persson, associate state veterinarian at the Swedish Veterinarian Association, explains how the country is achieving the lowest use of veterinary antimicrobials among EU member states and offers advice on how UK farmers can aspire to do the same. The 4 ways are: removing unnecessary use of antibiotics, minimizing need and preventing spread, optimising use when needed, and monitoring use and resistance.

Where to find the original material: https://www.fwi.co.uk/livestock/health-welfare/livestock-medicines/4-ways-sweden-has-cut-antibiotics-use-on-dairy-farms;
Country: Sweden;

373 International instruments on the use of antimicrobials across the human animal and plant sectors by WHO FAO OIE (Tools & Checklists)



373 ToolsChecklists – International instruments on the use of antimicrobials across the human animal and plant sectors by WHO FAO OIE

In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry; Dairy; Beef; Sheep;
Instruments that contain standards for governments or other actors are included. These include international guidelines that have been adopted by public entities through formal processes if they provide standards (understood as clear instructions/ guidance on the use of antimicrobials).
The compilation excludes resolutions, declarations, (action) plans or other documents that only state intentions or objectives and that do not contain implementable standards. International standards adopted by private entities and business associations are also excluded.

Where to find the original material: https://apps.who.int/iris/rest/bitstreams/1314292/retrieve;
Country: Germany;