256 EMA Categorisation of antibiotics for use in animals for prudent and responsible use by European Medicines Agency (Tools & Checklists)
In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB \ Veterinarian
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry; Dairy; Beef; Sheep;
Veterinarians are encouraged to check and consider EMA’s updated scientific advice on the categorisation of antibiotics when prescribing these medicines for animals in their care. This categorisation can also be used as a tool for the preparation of treatment guidelines. The classification now comprises four categories, from A to D: Avoid, Restrict, Caution and Prudence. Category A: These medicines may not be used in food-producing animals and may be given to individual companion animals only under exceptional circumstances. Category B: The use of these medicines in animals should be restricted to mitigate the risk to public health. Category C: These antibiotics should only be used when there are no antimicrobial substances in Category D that would be clinically effective. Category D: These antibiotics can be used in animals in a prudent manner.
Where to find the original material: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/report/infographic-categorisation-antibiotics-use-animals-prudent-responsible-use_en.pdf;
Country: European Union