151 Selective Dry Cow Therapy A guide for farmers by Zoetis (Tools & Checklists)



151 ToolsChecklists – Selective Dry Cow Therapy A guide for farmers by Zoetis

In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB \ Farmer
Species targeted: Dairy;
Selective dry cow therapy (SDCT) is a decision made at dry off, about whether your cows receive antibiotic dry cow therapy (ADCT) in addition to an internal teat sealant, such as OrbeSeal®. Governments, human health agencies, consumer groups and food retailers are putting greater pressure on food producers to justify the use of antibiotics. Dairy companies such as Arla now require that farmers discuss SDCT with their vets and begin to dry some cows off selectively i.e. without antibiotic tubes and only with teat sealant. The benefits of SDCT are the potential for reducing antibiotics used on farm, a reduction in the amount and severity of mastitis cases and reduced medicine costs compared to blanket combination therapy (antibiotic tube and teat sealant). This checklist provides a step by step approach to starting SDCT.

Where to find the original material: https://www.zoetis.co.uk/livestock-farming/useful-resources/index.aspx;
Country: United Kingdom;

149 Collecting and transporting samples by Zoetis (Tools& Checklists)



149 ToolsChecklists – Collecting and transporting samples by Zoetis

SIG: Pathogen management
Species targeted: Dairy;
This farmer guide to collecting and transporting milk samples for bacterial culture +/- sensitivity as well as Somatic Cell Counts includes a step by step procedure for the kit required, marking and preparing the sterile pots, taking the milk sample, storing it correctly and sending it for analysis by a lab or the vets. Taking milk samples is key to identifying the bugs causing mastitis so that the correct control strategy can be selected and implemented. Environmental bugs such as Strep uberis require a different approach compared to Staph aureus or E.coli. Sensitivity testing can also help you to assess whether the antibiotic treatment protocols you are using for a clinical case are indeed effective.

Where to find the original material: https://www.zoetis.co.uk/livestock-farming/useful-resources/index.aspx;
Country: United Kingdom;

147 Sterile milk sample for bacteriology FARMER GUIDE by Zoetis (Tools & Checklists)



147 ToolsChecklists – Sterile milk sample for bacteriology FARMER GUIDE by Zoetis

SIG: Pathogen management
Species targeted: Dairy;
When clinical mastitis has been diagnosed in a quarter, a sterile milk sample should be taken to determine which bacteria is responsible. This will help with implementing specific mastitis control measures. Cows should be sampled as soon as mastitis is detected, preferably before milking is commenced. This checklist with images details how to prepare the udder and teats before taking a milk sample and how to do so as cleanly and aseptically as possible, so as to not contaminate the sample.

Where to find the original material: https://www.zoetis.co.uk/livestock-farming/useful-resources/index.aspx;
Country: United Kingdom;

146 How to use Orbeseal teat sealant by Zoetis (Tools & Checklists)



146 ToolsChecklists – How to use Orbeseal teat sealant by Zoetis

SIG: Prudent use AB \ Farmer
Species targeted: Dairy;
This photo guide or checklist of how to prepare a cow’s udder and teats before, during and after insertion of a teat sealant, such as Orbeseal, is practical and easy to follow. It covers the basic hygienic approach, the order in which to clean teats, the tube insertion technique and the order of insertion of teat sealant into the teats to minimise spread of infection.

Where to find the original material: https://www.zoetis.co.uk/livestock-farming/useful-resources/index.aspx;
Country: United Kingdom;

144 Farmer guide – Technique for infusion of a combination of dry cow antibiotic and Orbeseal by Zoetis (Tools & Checklists)




SIG: Prudent use

Species: Dairy

The theory of using antibiotic dry cow therapy and the teat sealant, OrbeSeal, is that the antibiotic helps ‘clean up’ any existing udder infections and the OrbeSeal ‘seals up’ the teat, preventing new infections right up until calving.
This practical farmer guide outlines a technique that, whilst taking a little bit longer than your normal method, will help you achieve the best possible results and avoid dead cows! The guide covers the steps of observing strict hygiene when preparing the teat, tube insertion technique including how to hold the teat and how far to insert the tubes. The guide also contains helpful pictures and top tips for drying cows off.

Where to find the original material: https://www.zoetis.co.uk/livestock-farming/useful-resources/pdfs-and-images/infusion-of-orbeseal.pdf;
Country: United Kingdom;

140 Biosecurity Practices for Dairy Operations by Texas AgriLife Extension (Tools & Checklists)



140 ToolsChecklists – Biosecurity Practices for Dairy Operations by Texas AgriLife Extension

Significant Interest Groups: Biosecurity

Species targeted: Dairy; Beef;
Biosecurity measures prevent infectious diseases from affecting a herd. By implementing general management and vaccination practices, producers protect their herds from existing diseases within a country and from possible foreign animal disease outbreaks. This US made checklist and fact sheet contains information on herd immunity, common diseases, vaccination protocols, best practice animal husbandry, key steps to take when purchasing animals, biosecurity practices and staffing. It includes helpful tick lists of what steps you can take to ensure disease does not enter, spread or multiply on your farm.


Country: USA;

137 National Milk Producers Federation FARM program Herd Health Plan template by National Milk Producers Federation (Tools & Checklists)



137 ToolsChecklists – National Milk Producers Federation FARM program Herd Health Plan template by National Milk Producers Federation

Main Significant Interest Group: Other

Species: Dairy

The FARM program Herd Health Plan template is a tool for comprehensive and structured discussions for managing herd health. It is based on the National Milk Producers Federation FARM program from the US, which stipulates best practice for caring for dairy cattle and protocols for achieving optimal animal health and welfare. The tool has a series of checklists to ensure all parameters and procedures are adhered to, helpful diagrams for procedures such as injection site selection and euthanasia and space for individual farmers/stock people and advisors to add in their commitment to complying with the standards.


Country: USA

123 Risk Assessment as a Tool for Improving External Biosecurity at Farm Level Sweden (Tools & Checklists)



123 ToolsChecklists – Risk Assessment as a Tool for Improving External Biosecurity at Farm Level SWEDEN

In Significant Impact Groups: Biosecurity \External Biosecurity
Species targeted: Pigs; Dairy; Beef;
Summary: The study provide a tool for calculating the effects of different biosecurity measures and strategies on the individual farm level. A simple model was developed to assess the risk of disease introduction and the need for biosecurity measures in individual farms. To illustrate the general applicability of the tool, it was applied to theoretical examples of Swedish cattle and pig farms and diseases endemic in those animal species in the EU. The most important factors affecting the risk, and the effect of biosecurity measures were the frequency of between-farm contacts and prevalence of the disease. Model outputs could be used to justify prioritisation of measures or adapting contact patterns. The theoretic exercise of adjusting model inputs and comparing outputs may help veterinary advisors to understand farm-specific risks and motivate farmers to improve biosecurity in their individual farm, as it can be tailored to each farmer’s needs and preferences.
Where to find the original material: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4515931/;
Country: Sweden;

120 Milk & Dairy Beef Drug Residue Prevention Reference Manual USA by National Milk Producers Federation (Tools & Checklists)



120 ToolsChecklists – Milk & Dairy Beef Drug Residue Prevention Reference Manual USA by National Milk Producers Federation

In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB \ Farmer
Species targeted: Dairy;
This manual contains all you need to know about administering, recording and storing drugs on farms in the US. It includes an 8-step plan for keeping useful medicine records, comprehensive drug residue testing protocols and lists of licensed drugs (for in the USA) with withdrawal periods. Additionally, there are top tips that producers can take to lessen the chances of antibiotic residues as well as checklists for when treating animals e.g. read the product label and consult your veterinarian before administering, use a clean injection site and a sterile needle for all injections, discard milk from all four quarters even when treating only one quarter with an IM tube, make certain that any procedure used to divert milk from treated cows cannot accidentally send contaminated milk into the pipeline, train employees on proper injection technique and do not go back into the vaccine bottle with a needle once it has been used for anything else.

Country: USA;

119 The 2017 National Dairy FARM Animal Care Reference Manual by National Milk Producers Federation (Tools & Checklists)



119 ToolsChecklists – The 2017 National Dairy FARM Animal Care Reference Manual by National Milk Producers Federation

In Significant Impact Groups: Other
Species targeted: Dairy; Beef;
The FARM Program, began in 2009, helps build and maintain consumer trust, demonstrating that dairy farmers share consumer values and are committed to quality animal care. The Animal Care Manual lays out best practice guidelines for farmers to follow in the voluntary scheme. External audits are completed on every participating farm every 3 years or more, which reviews their animal care practices. Continuous Improvement Plans are developed by the farmers and the auditors, which identify areas of improvement. The manual includes:
• Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship documentation signed by the farm managers and Veterinarian • Documentation on training of all employees with animal care responsibilities and written protocols for various aspects of animal care on the dairy.
• Guidelines on colostrum management and care of milk-fed calves. • Guidelines on water, feed, nutritional and space requirements • Guidelines for Herd Health Planning with targets for measuring and monitoring herd health. • Protocols for handling, movement, transportation of animals, dairy beef, injured and non-ambulatory animals.

Country: USA;