492 – Concomitant vaccination of cows and awareness to colostrum distribution positive impacts on veal calves strength (Research paper – Mounaix – 2020)



492 Research paper – Mounaix – 2020 – Concomitant vaccination of cows and awareness to colostrum distribution positive impacts on veal calves strength

492 Research paper
Concomitant vaccination of cows and awareness to colostrum distribution: positive impacts on veal calves strength by Mounaix B., Chanteperdrix M., Jozan T. and S. Assie 2020 Rencontres Recherches Ruminants : Session santé
In Significant Impact Groups: Pathogen management \ Vaccination; Biosecurity
Species targeted: Beef; Dairy;
Age: Young; Adult;
The impact of the concomitant vaccination of cows to protect the young calf against neonatal diarrhoea and respiratory diseases was tested: in 40 dairy farms, 819 dams were vaccinated at drying with recommendation to distribute to their calf 4L of colostrum within 6 hours after calving. 211 calves of those vaccinated cows and 214 calves without known history were compared in 10 veal calves fattening farms. Within the first 45 days, calves from vaccinated cows received 1 antibiotic treatment less than other calves and less antibiotic matter. The impact was visible from the arrival at fattening unit: 1.8 less risk for vaccinated cow calves to show clinical respiratory disease, and a higher weight (1 kg) at equivalent ages. As a consequence, the mortality of calves from vaccinated cows was lower.
Where to find the original material: http://journees3r.fr/spip.php?article4943

Country: FR

491 Milking, a key step in controlling mastitis by CNIEL & IDELE (Tools & Checklists)



491 Tools & Checklists – Milking, a key step in controlling mastitis by CNIEL & IDELE

491 Tools & Checklists
Milking, a key step in controlling mastitis
In Significant Impact Groups: Biosecurity; Managing sick animals
Species targeted: Dairy;
Where to find the original material:
Country: France;
Milking control is essential to limit clinical mastitis and cells in the milk. The respect of good hygiene practices and milking is essential to prevent teat bacteria from entering the udder quarters and leading to infections.
491 Tools & Checklists – Milking, a key step in controlling mastitis by CNIEL & IDELE

490 – Benefits from cutting antibiotic use in dry cows (Research report – Mc Pherson – 2019)



490 Research report – Mc Pherson – 2019 – Benefits from cutting antibiotic use in dry cows

490 Research report
Benefits from cutting antibiotic use in dry cows by Mc Pherson L. 2019 British Dairying 2019: 50-52
In Significant Impact Groups: Pathogen management \ Managing sick animals; Targeted use of antibiotics; Prudent use AB
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Not stated;
Selective Dry Cow Therapy (SDCT) is becoming more common on many dairy farms in response to increasing pressure to use antibiotics responsibly in agriculture, as well as the demands from milk buyers and supermarkets. Trials have shown that cows with no evidence of existing infection within the udder can be successfully dried off with only a teat sealant. The use of antibiotic dry cow therapy can then be targeted to only those cows with evidence of infection at dry off—usually indicated by a high somatic cell count in late lactation.
Where to find the original material: https://www.fas.scot/publication/selective-dry-cow-therapy/;
Country: UK

475 – Intervention guide for the control of lameness in dairy herds by Idele and ONIRIS (Tools & Checklists)



475 Tools & Checklists – Intervention guide for the control of lameness in dairy herds by Idele and ONIRIS

475 Tools & Checklists
Intervention guide for the control of lameness in dairy herds by Idele and ONIRIS
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Dairy;
Locomotor problems in dairy cows have been on the increase in recent years. This is due to changes in housing systems, feeding systems, workload of farmers and finally herd groupings which favour the spread of Mortellaro disease. A method of intervention in farms with lameness problems has been developed by pooling the expertise of different livestock advisors and vets. This method is described in the document: “Intervention method for the control of lameness in dairy herds”. It specifies the different parts of the intervention in 3 booklets : a: general presentation of the method and the stages of the intervention b: presentation of methods for investigating risk factors related to housing, food and sanitary conduct c: collection of sample support documents for operational intervention. The main originality of this intervention document in a dairy cow farm facing lameness is that it gathers all the intervention methodology from the preparation to the monitoring of the situation.
Where to find the original material: http://idele.fr/no_cache/recherche/publication/idelesolr/recommends/guide-boiteries-2eme-version.html;
Country: France

474 – Rearing healthy calves by Dairy Australia (Tools & Checklists)



474 Tools & Checklists – Rearing healthy calves by Dairy Australia

474 Tools & Checklists
Rearing healthy calves by Dairy Australia
In Significant Impact Groups: Young stock Management and early rearing
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Young stock
The way we care for all calves on dairy farms can have major and long lasting effects: not just at the farm level, but throughout the industry, where issues such as animal welfare, animal diseases and food safety can have significant consequences. Rearing Healthy Calves provides a practical guide to all aspects of calf management on Australian dairy farms. It includes contributions from a wide range of experts including farmers, animal scientists and veterinarians to identify best practices in calf rearing to ensure their health and well-being. Dairy farmers make decisions every day that can affect the health and welfare of their calves. This manual combines clear and concise explanations with practical examples to help you see a range of approaches in action.

Where to find the original material: https://www.dairyaustralia.com.au/resource-repository/2020/07/09/rearing-healthy-calves-manual–second-edition
Country: Australia;

467 Guia uso responsable de antibioticos en bovino by VETresponsable (Tools & Checklists)



467 Tools & Checklists – Guia uso responsable de antibioticos en bovino by VETresponsable

467 Tools & Checklists
Guia uso responsable de antibioticos en bovino by VETresponsable
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Beef;
This guide is intended to cover issues related to veterinary medicines and their regulations; prior elements of responsible use such as preventive and biosafety measures, guidelines on veterinary diagnosis or prescription; design, monitoring and evaluation of treatment; the type of veterinary medicine used; storage and preservation of medicines; good administration practices or recommendations on treatment registration and disposal of medicine packaging and waste. These guides are intended as a reference tool for veterinary professionals, particularly younger ones, to ensure that veterinary medicines are used responsibly in their daily practice.
Where to find the original material: https://www.vetresponsable.es/v_portal/inc/clicklink.asp?t=3&cod=5865&c=1&s=393057070;
Country: Spain;

454 Hoja de ruta reduccion necesidad de AB by Health for Animals (Tools & Checklists)



454 Tools & Checklists – Hoja de ruta reduccion necesidad de AB by Health for Animals

454 Tools & Checklists
Hoja de ruta reduccion necesidad de AB by Health for Animals
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry; Dairy; Beef; Sheep;
This document has been produced by HealthforAnimals, the Global Federation of Veterinary Medicines. HealthforAnimals represents the animal health sector: manufacturers of veterinary medicines, vaccines and other animal health products worldwide, as as well as associations representing companies at national and regional level. The document sets out the principles for the reduction of antibiotic use through prevention, correct and early detection and finally through precise treatment.
Where to find the original material: https://healthforanimals.org/downloads/library/hoja_de_ruta_para_reducir_la_necesidad_de_uso_de_loa_antibioticos.pdf;
Country: Belgium;

453 – Buenas practicas uso de AB de EPRUMA by EPRUMA (Tools & Checklists)



453 Tools & Checklists – Buenas practicas uso de AB de EPRUMA by EPRUMA

453 Tools & Checklists
Buenas practicas uso de AB de EPRUMA by EPRUMA
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry; Dairy; Beef; Sheep;
The intention of this document is to contribute to the maintenance of antimicrobial effectiveness by providing a descriptive framework of good practice. The implementation of the key aspects of this framework is compatible with its adaptation to the particular conditions of each Member State. In this way a coordinated and integrated approach can be achieved across the EU, but tailored to the specific needs of each Member State. The EPRUMA initiative is intended as a complement to Integrated Agriculture*. with regard to the rational use of agricultural means of production, as set out in the European Framework for Integrated Agriculture (EISA).
453 Tools & Checklists – Buenas practicas uso de AB de EPRUMA by EPRUMA
Where to find the original material: https://www.veterindustria.com/v_portal/inc/clicklink.asp?t=3&cod=15498&c=1&s=364839167;
Country: Belgium;

452 – Plan estrategico lucha contra resistencias a antimicrobianos 2019 by AEMPS (Tools & Checklists)



452 Tools & Checklists – Plan estrategico lucha contra resistencias a antimicrobianos 2019 by AEMPS

452 Tools & Checklists
Plan estrategico lucha contra resistencias a antimicrobianos 2019 by AEMPS
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry; Dairy; Beef; Sheep;
The Spanish Agency for Medicines and Healthcare Products (AEMPS) has coordinated the development of the national plan to combat antibiotic resistance. This plan, coordinated between human and veterinary medicine, has different levels of action with implementation objectives. The second plan was approved in 2019.
452 Tools & Checklists – Plan estrategico lucha contra resistencias a antimicrobianos 2019 by AEMPS
Where to find the original material: https://resistenciaantibioticos.es/es/system/files/field/files/pran_2019-2021_0.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=497&force=0;
Country: Spain

451 – Plan estrategico lucha resistencia a antimicrobianos by AEMPS (Tools & Checklists)



451 Tools & Checklists – Plan estrategico lucha resistencia a antimicrobianos by AEMPS

451 Tools & Checklists
Plan estrategico lucha resistencia a antimicrobianos by AEMPS
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry; Dairy; Beef; Sheep;
The Spanish Agency for Medicines and Healthcare Products (AEMPS) has coordinated the development of the national plan to combat antibiotic resistance. This plan, coordinated between human and veterinary medicine, has different levels of action with implementation objectives. The first plan was developed and approved in 2014.
451 Tools & Checklists – Plan estrategico lucha resistencia a antimicrobianos by AEMPS
Where to find the original material: https://www.aemps.gob.es/publicaciones/publica/plan-estrategico-antibioticos/v2/docs/plan-estrategico-antimicrobianos-AEMPS.pdf;
Country: Spain;